Sunday, January 25, 2009

We Will Not Go Down~~ Never!!!!!

A blinding flash of white light

Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight

People running for cover

Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes

With ravaging fiery flames

And nothing remains

Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down

In the night, without a fight

You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools

But our spirit will never die

We will not go down In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike

Murdered and massacred night after night

While the so-called leaders of countries afar

Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain

And the bombs fell down like acid rain

But through the tears and the blood and the pain

You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down

In the night, without a fight

You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools

But our spirit will never die

We will not go down In Gaza tonight

Memandangkn sejak 2 menjak ni emosi sy x berapa stabil... so ni jela yg dpt di post. Kpd sesiapa yg still bersemangt memboikot,,truskan semngt anda. X mati pun kalo x mkn McD n KFC just tulah sbb kita dh terbiasakan.. Pd sesiapa yg still menderma--walaupun kita derma RM1 atleast bleh bg diorg mkn even utk 1 meal. N dr apa yg sy dgr dr talkshow yg baru diadakan baru2 ni di U sy,,,pejuang2 Hamas tu ramai yg menghafal al-Quran n even the children yg mati kena bunuh tu ramai yg hafal Al-Quran. so marilah kita bersama diorg bersama2 menyokong apa yg diorg laksanakan. Berilah sumbangn semampuny. N percayalah kita akan menang just blum tiba masany...


  1. insyallah...kite pasti akan menang bile tibe masenye...tunggu la balasan korang ISrael lahanat

  2. keji mmg x lamany~~ tunggu diorg bongkak beria dulu,,,pstu kebaBOOMM!!!jatuh la tu.

  3. it's sad to see lots of muslim especially children and women died in not saying all jewish are cruel but their religions taught their members to be violence..i just read an article at utusan saying that this war is the religon a muslim, all we can do is pray for their safety n keep boikot their products..tell you what, fatin said, all the income from starbucks are 100% goes to the war..can u imagine that..
